Need help distinguishing good files from viruses, spyware, etc. For computer experts only!!! ? Hello! I just installed the Trend Micro's Hijack This program on my computer because I was having issues with my computer freezing BADLY whenever I was in the middle of a virus scan. (I have tried numerous virus and spyware scan products, a complete system reboot, and I try to surf the web cautiously). So with the Hijack This program, I run a computer scan and it saves a log of all potentially infected files. I need some help distinguishing what is good and what is bad. Here is a copy of my log (sorry so long!)
DWM.EXE file enables the user to experience transparency effects, see live taskbar thumbnails, flip 3d switcher on Windows Vista or Windows 7 based computer.
This error appears when you log-in to your computer and makes problem while launching desktop personalization feature.
1. Upgrade Graphics Card Drivers
2. Repair the Registry
3. Execute the Service 'Desktop Service Manager'
4. Disable the DWM.EXE File Startup Entry
5. Execute Certain Commands
6. Scan the System Files for Corruption
7. Restore the System to an Earlier State
Upgrade Graphics Card Drivers
To fix the this error, try upgrading your graphics card. Visit the website of its manufacturer and download the appropriate drivers compatible for your computer.
Or otherwise,
1. Click Start.
2. Type Device Manager in the Search box.
3. Press ENTER.
4. Expand your computer name, then Display Adapter.
5. Right click it, and select Update option.
Repair the Registry
Repair the registry using a good registry cleaner software.
Execute the Service "Desktop Service Manager"
DWM.EXE error may occur if the Desktop Service Manager is not running. Using Services Manager start this service as shown below:
1. Download System Utilities software.
2. Click Services Manager tab.
3. Select the service Desktop Service Manager.
4. Click Start button.
Disable the File Startup Entry
In case your antivirus program has removed an infected virus, but have not deleted the corresponding start up keys from the registry, this error may occur. To fix the problem, disable that entry.
1. Click Start.
2. Type MsConfig and press ENTER.
3. Click Startup tab, and uncheck the entry with file.
4. Click Apply | OK.
Execute Certain Commands
Executing the provided commands with Command Prompt may fix DWM.EXE error. Follow these steps:
1. Click Start.
2. Type Command Prompt in the Search Box.
3. Press ENTER.
4. Enter the following commands:
cd %windir%\system32
wscript slmgr.vbs -rearm
5. Restart the computer after completion.
Scan the System Files for Corruption
DWM.EXE error can occur when the DWM.EXE system files is corrupted. Replacing this file with its original copy may fix the error.
1. Insert Microsoft Windows installation disc.
2. Click Start | Run.
3. Type SFC /ScanNow and press ENTER.
4. Follow the wizard.
Restore the System to an Earlier State
Using System Restore, roll back any changes made with your system to an earlier state. Here are the steps to fix DWM.EXE error:
1. Click Start.
2. Type System Restore in the Search box.
3. Press ENTER.
4. Follow the wizard your own.
Highly Recommended
Fix DWM.EXE error using Intel SOFTWARE Partner RegInOut.
Repair the registry and enable required services with this software which also helps to Speed Up Computer.
I have confusing viruses roughing up my internet stability...can you tell what it is?
At first evidence, my computer was just plain slow, but it got to the point where within 5 minutes of being on firefox/IE/chrome, the browser would end up crashing. I am assuming I got rid of some of it with malwarebytes and combofix, but AVG still detected malware after that. First it was the Generic16 trojan located in my CSC directory, then it was the SHeur3 trojan or something related to that. But I know now that there are WAY more background programs running when I start up my system because there are 110 programs running just when I start up, when there are usually around 60. I am running xp btw. Here is a log created by Hijackthis that might have more evidence. Yes, I know this list is long :P but please, don't hesitate to respond.